DocuCheck's Configuration File

This chapter of documentation describes the configuration file used by DocuCheck tool. You can check Config.swift file which contains the latest structure representing the configuration. All naming in this document will follow that structure and its nested objects.

Basic structure

The configuration file uses JSON format, with following elements at the top most object:

  • repositories - dictionary, where the key is repositoryIdentifier and value is Config.Repository structure.
  • repositoryParameters - optional dictionary, where the key is repositoryIdentifier and value is Config.Parameters structure
  • globalParameters - optional Config.GlobalParameters structure, defining global parameters for DocuCheck tool, applied to all repositories.

For example:

    "repositories": {
        "ssl-pinning-ios" : {
            "remote": "wultra/ssl-pinning-ios"
        "powerauth-server": {
            "remote": "wultra/powerauth-server",
            "branch": "develop"
    "repositoryParameters": {
        "ssl-pinning-ios" : {
            "singleDocumentFile": ""
    "globalParameters": {
        "parameters" : {
            "docPath": "docs",
            "homeFile": ""

The configuration above defines two source repositories (powerauth-server and ssl-pinning-ios), additional parameters (for ssl-pinning-ios repository) and global parameters, defining “docs” folder and “home” file names.

Config.Repository structure

The Config.Repository defines the source of documentation for one particular repository. Following elements are available:

  • provider, optional string, defines the sources provider. Following constants are available:
    • github, is default and applied if no string is specified.
    • gitlab
  • remote, required string, defines identifier or URL of remote git repository to acquire sources.
    • For github and gitlab, you have to specify identifier in form of {organization}/{repository}. For example wultra/powerauth-server
  • branch, optional string, defines branch in git repository, to be cloned
  • tag, optional string, defines tag in git repository, to be cloned
  • path, optional string, defines directory to which the content of repository will be cloned. If no value is used, then the key from "repositories" dictionary is used.
  • localFiles, optional string, defines path to already cloned repository on a local file system. You can use this parameter to temporarily change source of documentation in case that you have that files already available. That’s useful when you actively write on a documentation.

Addional notes:

  • If tag and branch are both specified, then the tag has a higher priority.
  • If no tag and branch is specified, then develop branch is applied.
  • It’s not recommended to share configurations with localFiles parameter set. The full path to other location on filesystem is required and therefore such configuration usually will not work for another developer in your team.


    "repositories": {
        "ssl-pinning-ios" : {
            "remote": "wultra/ssl-pinning-ios",
            "path": "pinning"
        "powerauth-server": {
            "remote": "wultra/powerauth-server"

Will collect documentation into $OUT_DIR/ssl-pinning and $OUT_DIR/powerauth-server directories

    "repositories": {
        "ssl-pinning-ios" : {
            "remote": "wultra/ssl-pinning-ios",
            "tag": "1.0.0"
        "powerauth-server": {
            "remote": "wultra/powerauth-server",
            "branch": "releases/0.21.x"

Will checkout tag 1.0.0 for ssl-pinning-ios and branch releases/0.21.x for wultra/powerauth-server

Config.Parameters structure

The Config.Parameters defines parameters for source repository, that are required for DocuCheck operations. Following elements are available:

  • docsFolder, optional string, defines folder inside the cloned repository containing the documentation.
    • docs is default value
  • homeFile, optional string, defines the name of file containing an initial page of the documentation
    • is default value
  • auxiliaryDocuments, optional array of strings, defines list of additional file names which are not pages with the documentation, but still must be processed as Markdown files.
    • [ "", "" ] is default value
  • ignoredFiles, optional array of strings, defines list of ignored file names. Such files will not be copied to $OUT_DIR
    • [ ".git", ".gitignore", ".DS_Store" ] is default value
    • If value in list begins with asterisk *, then it’s interpreted as wildcard. For example *.bin will exclude all files which names ends with .bin
  • singleDocumentFile, optional string, defines path (relative in source repository) to one markdown document.
    • If value is set, then it’s expected that the whole application’s documentation is composed from one single document.
  • privateProductWebsite, optional string, defines URL to a private product URL.
    • If value is set, then it’s expected that the application’s documentation is composed from a private repository that’s not available for external developers. In this case, the product website URL should be displayed as a replacement for link to the original source code.

Addional notes:

  • It’s not recommended to combine homeFile and singleDocumentFile. If both values are set, then homeFile is ignored.

Effective values

The default values for this structure can also be configured in Config.GlobalParameters. The effective value is then determined by following order:

  1. Per repository configuration has the highest priority
  2. Global configuration
  3. Default value is the fallback, if no other structure defines the value

This rule is not followed for ignoredFiles array. In this situation, the effective array is calculated as a combination from all levels.


    "repositories": {
        "ssl-pinning-ios" : {
            "remote": "wultra/ssl-pinning-ios",
        "powerauth-server": {
            "remote": "wultra/powerauth-server",
            "branch": "releases/0.21.x"
    "repositoryParameters": {
        "ssl-pinning-ios": {
            "singleDocumentFile": ""
        "powerauth-server": {
            "ignoredFiles": [ "Schematics.psd", "*.bin" ]

Tells DocuCheck that documentation of ssl-pinning-ios is composed from one single file and that Schematics.psd and all files with bin extension, should not be copied to final documentation.

Config.Paths structure

This simple structure contains configuration for various paths required by the tool. Following elements are available:

  • outputPath, optional string, if set, then changes path to $OUT_DIR
    • If value begins with ./ or ../, then the path is interpreted as relative to path to the configuration file.
  • repositoriesPath, optional string, if set, then changes path to $REPO_DIR
    • If value begins with ./ or ../, then the path is interpreted as relative to path to the configuration file.

Config.GlobalParameters structure

The Config.GlobalParameters defines parameters applied globally. You can for example change default parameters of source repositories. Following elements are available:

  • releaseIdentifier, optional string identifier of the release, for example 2020.05.
  • parameters, optional Config.Parameters object, modifies global values for all source repositories.
  • paths, optional Config.Paths object, defining paths required by DocuCheck
  • markdownExtensions, optional array of strings, defines file name extensions for Markdown document file types.
    • [ "md", "markdown" ] is default value
    • If you specify your own Markdown extensions, then the default extensions will be still recognized as a documents.
  • imageExtensions, optional array of strings, defines file name extensions for image file types.
    • [ "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif" ] is default value
    • If you specify your own image extensions, then the default extensions will be still recognized as an images.
  • targetHomeFile, optional string, defines the name of file containing an initial page of the documentation required by jekyll. All home files are automatically renamed to value configured in this property.
    • is default value


    "repositories": {
        "powerauth-server": {
            "remote": "wultra/powerauth-server",
    "repositoryParameters": {
        "powerauth-server": {
            "ignoredFiles": [ "Schematics.psd", "*.bin" ]
    "globalParameters": {
        "releaseIdentifier": "2020.05",
        "parameters": {
            "homeFile": "",
            "ignoredFiles": [ "*.dat" ]
        "imageExtensions": [ "jp2" ],
        "targetHomeFile": "index.html"

Changes default “home file” to, adds new globally ignored files with .dat extension, adds new image type jp2 and changes target home file to index.html.

Last updated on Aug 10, 2020 (12:37) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Documentation Tool