Writing Wultra's documentation

This document describes how to create a proper documentation for Wultra’s application.

Structure of documentation

  • Put docs folder to the root of repository. The folder should contain all documentation visible at our developers portal

  • Put README.md file to the root of repository
    • This file is automatically visible when the repository is opened at GitHub webpage
    • The file should contain only brief information about the application and should redirect the user to the docs/Readme.md.
  • docs/Readme.md should be a “home” file

  • Create docs/_Sidebar.md file with sidebar navigation.

  • Use only limited set of characters for file names used in the documentation.
    • It’s recommended to use only characters, numbers, hyphen, dot
    • Never use brackets and space character for file names.
  • Use camel case names or separate words with hyphen character


  • Some-Long-File-Name.md
  • SomeLongFileName.md
  • Features-(Experimental).md - should not be used as file name
  1. Clone wultra/wultra-developers
    • Run ./update-all.sh to update documentation for every product and component (every release).
    • Let’s say, you have cloned that repo into /Users/johndoe/Dev/docs/wultra-developers.
  2. Clone or pull latest changes for repository you’re going to update.
    • Let’s say, you’re going to update documentation for wultra/ssl-pinning-ios
    • Let’s say, you have cloned that repo into /Users/johndoe/Dev/libs/ssl-pinning-ios.
    • Create a new branch from current develop branch. For example features/documentation-update.
  3. Run ./scripts/bundler.sh update-component ssl-pinning-tool develop --fast -t /Users/johndoe/Dev/libs/ssl-pinning-ios every time you change documentation for ssl-pinning-ioscomponent.

  4. Optional but recommended, run ./run-local-server.sh in another console
    • Test your changes live at (open link)
    • You can keep the local server up and running. It will reflect your changes automatically. Just wait a couple of seconds and then reload the page.
  5. After you’re done with your changes, then:
    • Push updated documentation into that features/documentation-update branch
    • Make a pull request with your changed documentation
    • Wait for a review…
  6. If the change is approved and merged to wultra/ssl-pinning-ios’s develop, then run ./update-all.sh for the last time.

  7. If everything’s OK (no DocuCheck WARNING is reported), then you can commit and push the change to wultra/wultra-developers’s master branch to make it live on the portal.

More information about bundler.sh

This chapter describes how to create a proper links in our documentation.

Local links points to the file in the same repository. Use relative path to the file. Examples:

- [Additional Information](Additional-Info.md)
- ![Flowchart 3](images/Flowchart-3.png)
- Go to [Home page](../Readme.md)

You have basically two options for making links to another repository:

  1. If you want to make a link to the home page of another repository, then use URL to repository at GitHub. For example:
    • [PowerAuth mobile SDK](https://github.com/wultra/powerauth-mobile-sdk)
    • Such link will be traslated to [PowerAuth mobile SDK](../powerauth-mobile-sdk/Readme.md)
  2. If you want to make a link to document in another repository, then use full versioned link to document, available at develop branch. For example:
    • [iOS documentation](https://github.com/wultra/powerauth-mobile-sdk/blob/develop/docs/PowerAuth-SDK-for-iOS.md)
    • Will be translated to a sequence like [iOS documentation](../powerauth-mobile-sdk/PowerAuth-SDK-for-iOS.md)

The reason why this will work is that DocuCheck collects all documentation files into one folder ($OUT_DIR) and therefore final links are just relative paths.

If you want to keep the link as it is, then add #docucheck-keep-link anchor. This is useful in situations when you want to really redirect user to a GitHub webpage:

  • [Show file at GitHub](https://github.com/wultra/powerauth-mobile-sdk/blob/develop/docs/PowerAuth-SDK-for-iOS.md#docucheck-keep-link)
  • The link above will be kept as it is, DocuCheck just removes that additional anchor.


Anchor name is typically calculated from the header. Following rules are used to calculate name of anchor:

  • All characters are lowercased
  • All characters, except alphanumeric, are replaced with hyphen.
  • Two or more hyphes are converted into only one
  • Dots and backquotes are ignored.

Anchors can be combined with all link types above.


Header text Anchor
Hello world #hello-world
code.9 in title. #code9-in-title
Chapter 4.2 #chapter-42
Carthage (experimental) #carthage-experimental

You can also use special anchor values of # and #top that link to the top of the current page. This is especially helpful in a sidebar of a single page documentation.


Our preprocessor cannot automaticaly detect emails in the text, just like GitHub does and therefore you have to make a full link with email (e.g. link with mailto: scheme). For example:

## Contact

If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to drop us 
a line at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or 
our official [wultra.com/discord](https://wultra.com/discord) channel.

In case that you want to make link to source file in the same repository, use relative path, which escapes docs folder. DocuCheck translates such links into fully versioned link, pointing to GitHub webpage. For example:

  • Link [main.swift](../Sources/DocuCheck/main.swift)
  • Will be translated to https://github.com/wultra/docucheck/blob/develop/Sources/DocuCheck/main.swift

Single page documentation

If documentation is composed from one single file, then you should:

  • Put “Table of Contents” at the beginning of document
  • Mark “Table of Contents” with a meta-data marker “TOC”. See Meta-data in Basic Principles.

If you do not specify TOC section, then DocuCheck will generate _Sidebar.md from document’s headers, but that may lead to less quality navigation. The good examples are our libraries for dynamic SSL pinning for iOS and for Android. Both have the whole documentation in a single page, but unlike the first one, the Android library has auto-generated TOC.

Last updated on Dec 11, 2023 (07:26) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Documentation Tool