List of Used Algorithms

The following algorithms are used in the PowerAuth cryptography scheme.

PowerAuth 3 Protocol

  • Current protocol version: 3.3

Cryptographic Primitives

Algorithm Impacts Note
AES-128 mobile, server Symmetric encryption with 128 bit keys. Used in AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding or AES/CBC/NoPadding, depending on use-case.
Argon2 server Iterative hash used for storing recovery PUK values associated with recovery codes (argon2i).
CRC-16 mobile, server Checksum algorithm, used to add a validation to the activation code (2 bytes out of 12 are allocated for checksum).
ECDH mobile, server Key agreement algorithm for ECC-based Diffie-Hellman, uses secp256r1 curve.
ECDSA mobile, server Asymmetric signatures based on ECC, with secp256r1 curve and SHA256 hash function (SHA256withECDSA).
ECIES mobile, server Asymmetric encryption scheme based on ECC, with secp256r1 and X9.63 (SHA256) KDF function.
HMAC-SHA256 mobile, server MAC algorithm with SHA256 as underlying has function. Used in various situations across the protocol.
HMAC-SHA512 server MAC algorithm with SHA256 as underlying has function. Currently only used when validating TOTP in proximity OTP feature.
PBKDF2 mobile Derivation function, used with HMAC-SHA1 algorithm (PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1) and 10 000 iterations. Note: Used exclusively for deriving a symmetric encryption key from PIN code on a mobile device, and hence strength of the algorithm is unimportant.
SHA256 mobile, server Hash function. Used in various situations across the protocol.
X9.63 mobile, server Key derivation function with SHA256. Used for deriving keys with random index.

Algorithm Providers

Last updated on Sep 17, 2024 (20:18) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Java Crypto