Using Operations Service

The Operations Service is responsible for fetching the operation list and for approving or rejecting operations.

An operation can be anything you need to be approved or rejected by the user. It can be for example money transfer, login request, access approval, …

Note: Before using Operations Service, you need to have a PowerAuthSDK object available and initialized with a valid activation. Without a valid PowerAuth activation, all endpoints will return an error

Operations Service communicates with the Mobile Token API.

Creating an Instance

On Top of the PowerAuthSDK instance

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import WultraPowerAuthNetworking

let networkingConfig = WPNConfig(
    baseUrl: URL(string: "")!,
    sslValidation: .default
// powerAuth is instance of PowerAuthSDK
let opsService = powerAuth.createWMTOperations(networkingConfig: networkingConfig, pollingOptions: [.pauseWhenOnBackground])

On Top of the WPNNetworkingService instance

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import WultraPowerAuthNetworking

// networkingService is instance of WPNNetworkingService
let opsService = networkingService.createWMTOperations(pollingOptions: [.pauseWhenOnBackground])

The pollingOptions parameter is used for polling feature configuration. The default value is empty []. Possible options are:

  • WMTOperationsPollingOptions.pauseWhenOnBackground

With custom WMTUserOperation objects

To retrieve custom user operations, both createWMTOperations methods offer the optional parameter customUserOperationType where you can set up the requested type.

// networkingService is instance of WPNNetworkingService
let opsService = networkingService.createWMTOperations(customUserOperationType: CustomUserOperation.self).

When custom operation type is set, all WMTUserOperation objects from such service can be explicitly unboxed to this type.

Retrieve Pending Operations

To fetch the list with pending operations, can call the WMTOperations API:

import WultraMobileTokenSDK

DispatchQueue.main.async {
    // This method needs to be called on the main thread.
    operationsService.getOperations { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let ops):
            // render success UI
        case .failure(let err):
            // render error UI

After you retrieve the pending operations, you can render them in the UI, for example, as a list of items with a detail of the operation shown after a tap.

Note: The language of the UI data inside the operation depends on the configuration of the WMTOperation.acceptLanguage.

Start Periodic Polling

Mobile token API is highly asynchronous - to simplify the work for you, we added a convenience operation list polling feature:

import WultraMobileTokenSDK

// fetch new operations every 7 seconds periodically
if (!operationsService.isPollingOperations) {
    operationsService.startPollingOperations(interval: 7, delayStart: false)

Default and Minimum TimeInterval Enforcement

For convenience, there is a default implementation where you can omit the polling interval and it is automatically set to 7 seconds. If you specify an interval below 5 seconds, it will be automatically adjusted to 5 seconds to prevent server overload.

Setting up a delegate

To receive the result of the polling, set up a delegate.

Note that the listener is called for all “fetch operations” requests (not just the polling).

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import PowerAuth2

class MyOperationsManager: WMTOperationsDelegate {

    private let ops: WMTOperations

    init(powerAuth: PowerAuthSDK) {
        let networkingConfig = WPNConfig(
            baseUrl: URL(string: "")!,
            sslValidation: .default
        self.ops = powerAuth.createWMTOperations(networkingConfig: networkingConfig)
        self.ops.delegate = self

    func operationsFailed(error: WMTError) {
        // show UI that the last fetch has failed

    func operationsChanged(operations: [UserOperation], removed: [UserOperation], added: [UserOperation]) {
        // refresh operation list UI

    func operationsLoading(loading: Bool) {
        // show loading UI

Polling behavior can be adjusted by the pollingOptions parameter when creating an instance of the service.

Best Practices and Recommendations

For optimal server performance, consider adjusting polling intervals based on your application’s requirements. For instance, when push notifications are enabled, it’s advisable to double the polling interval to minimize server load.

Approve an Operation

To approve an operation use WMTOperations.authorize. You can simply use it with the following examples:

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import PowerAuth2

// Approve operation with password
func approve(operation: WMTOperation, password: String) {

    let auth = PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithPassword(password: password)

    operationService.authorize(operation: operation, authentication: auth) { error in
        if let error = error {
            // show error UI
        } else {
            // show success UI

To approve offline operations with biometry, your PowerAuth instance needs to be configured with biometry factor.

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import PowerAuth2

// Approve operation with password
func approveWithBiometry(operation: WMTOperation) {

    let auth = PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithBiometry(prompt: "Confirm operation.")

    operationService.authorize(operation: operation, authentication: auth) { error in
        if let error = error {
            // show error UI
        } else {
            // show success UI

Reject an Operation

To reject an operation use WMTOperations.reject. Operation rejection is confirmed by a possession factor, so there is no need for creating a PowerAuthAuthentication object. You can simply use it with the following example.

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import PowerAuth2

// Reject operation with some reason
func reject(operation: WMTOperation, reason: WMTRejectionReason) {
    operationService.reject(operation: operation, reason: reason) { error in
        if let error = error {
            // show error UI
        } else {
            // show success UI

Operation detail

To get a detail of an operation based on operation ID use WMTOperations.getDetail. Operation detail is confirmed by the possession factor so there is no need for creating PowerAuthAuthentication object. The returned result is the operation and its current status.

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import PowerAuth2

// Retrieve operation details based on the operation ID.
func getDetail(operationId: String) {
    operationService.getDetail(operationId: operationId) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let operation):
            // process operation
        case .failure(let error):
            // process error

Claim the Operation

To claim a non-persolized operation use WMTOperations.claim.

A non-personalized operation refers to an operation that is initiated without a specific userId. In this state, the operation is not tied to a particular user.

Operation claim is confirmed by the possession factor so there is no need for creating a PowerAuthAuthentication object. The returned result is the operation and its current status and also the claimed operation is inserted into the operation list. You can simply use it with the following example.

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import PowerAuth2

// Assigns the 'non-personalized' operation to the user
func claim(operationId: String) {
    operationService.claim(operationId: operationId) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let operation):
            // process operation
        case .failure(let error):
            // process error

Operation History

You can retrieve an operation history via the WMTOperations.getHistory method. The returned result is operations and their current status.

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import PowerAuth2

// Retrieve operation history with password
func history(password: String) {
    let auth = PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithPassword(password: password)
    operationService.getHistory(authentication: auth) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let operations):
            // process operation history
        case .failure(let error):
            // process error

Note that the operation history availability depends on the backend implementation and might not be available. Please consult this with your backend developers.

Cancelling Operations

Additionally, please note that WMTCancellable or Operation objects retrieved from the Operations Service methods (getOperations, getHistory, getDetail, claim, authorize and reject) can be canceled using the cancel() method. This allows you to interrupt ongoing operations as needed.

You can do so as shown below:

 let list = operationsService.getOperations { _ in }

For more examples refer to IntegrationTests in this repository.

Off-line Authorization

In case the user is not online, you can use off-line authorizations. In this operation mode, the user needs to scan a QR code, enter a PIN code, or use biometry, and rewrite the resulting code. Wultra provides a special format for the operation QR codes, that is automatically processed with the SDK.

Processing Scanned QR Operation

import WultraMobileTokenSDK

let code = "..." // scanned QR value
let parser = WMTQROperationParser()
switch parser.parse(string: code) {
case .success(let op):
    let isMasterKey = op.signature.signingKey == .master
    guard powerAuth.verifyServerSignedData(op.signedData, signature: op.signature.signature, masterKey: isMasterKey) else {
        // failed to verify signature
    // operation is parsed and verify
case .failure(let error):
    // failed to parse. See the error for more info.

Authorizing Scanned QR Operation

An offline operation needs to be always approved with a 2-factor scheme (password or biometry).

Each offline operation created on the server has an URI ID to define its purpose and configuration. The default value used here is /operation/authorize/offline and can be modified with the uriId parameter in the authorize method.

With Password

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import PowerAuth2

func approveQROperation(operation: WMTQROperation, password: String) {

    let auth = PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithPassword(password: password)

    operationsService.authorize(qrOperation: operation, authentication: auth) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let code):
            // Display the signature to the user so it can be manually rewritten.
            // Note that the operation will be signed even with a wrong password!
        case .failure(let error):
            // Failed to sign the operation

An offline operation can and will be signed even with an incorrect password. The signature cannot be used for manual approval in such a case. This behavior cannot be detected, so you should warn the user that an incorrect password will result in an incorrect “approval code”.

With Password and Custom uriId

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import PowerAuth2

func approveQROperation(operation: WMTQROperation, password: String) {

    let auth = PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithPassword(password: password)

    // using the authorize method with custom uriId
    operationsService.authorize(qrOperation: operation, uriId: "/confirm/offline/operation", authentication: auth) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let code):
            // Display the signature to the user so it can be manually rewritten.
            // Note that the operation will be signed even with a wrong password!
        case .failure(let error):
            // Failed to sign the operation

With Biometry

To approve offline operations with biometry, your PowerAuth instance needs to be configured with biometry factor.

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import PowerAuth2

// Approves QR operation with biometry
func approveQROperationWithBiometry(operation: WMTQROperation) {

    guard operation.flags.allowBiometryFactor else {
        // biometry usage is not allowed on this operation

    let auth = PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithBiometry(prompt: "Confirm operation.")

    operationsService.authorize(qrOperation: operation, authentication: auth) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let code):
            // Display the signature to the user so it can be manually rewritten.
        case .failure(let error):
            // Failed to sign the operation

Operations API Reference

All available methods and attributes of WMTOperations API are:

  • delegate - Delegate object that receives info about operation loading. Methods of the delegate are always called on the main thread.
  • acceptLanguage - Language settings, that will be sent along with each request. The server will return properly localized content based on this value. Value follows standard RFC Accept-Language
  • lastFetchResult() - Cached last operations result.
  • currentServerDate - Current server date. This is a calculated property based on the difference between the phone date and the date on the server. This property is available after the first successful operation list request. It might be nil if the server doesn’t provide such a feature.
  • isLoadingOperations - Indicates if the service is loading pending operations.
  • refreshOperations - Async “fire and forget” request to refresh pending operations.
  • getOperations(completion: @escaping GetOperationsCompletion) - Retrieves pending operations from the server.
    • completion - Called when the operation finishes. Always called on the main thread.
  • isPollingOperations - If the app is periodically polling for the operations from the server.
  • pollingOptions - Configuration of the polling feature
    • pauseWhenOnBackground - Polling will be paused when your app is in the background.
  • startPollingOperations(interval: TimeInterval, delayStart: Bool) - Starts the periodic operation polling.
    • interval - How often should operations be refreshed.
    • delayStart - When true, polling starts after the first interval time passes.
  • stopPollingOperations() - Stops the periodic operation polling.
  • authorize(operation: WMTOperation, with: PowerAuthAuthentication, completion: @escaping(Result<Void, WMTError>) -> Void) - Authorize provided operation.
    • operation - An operation to approve, retrieved from getOperations call or created locally.
    • with - PowerAuth authentication object for operation signing.
    • completion - Called when authorization request finishes. Always called on the main thread.
  • reject(operation: WMTOperation, with: WMTRejectionReason, completion: @escaping(Result<Void, WMTError>) -> Void) - Reject provided operation.
    • operation - An operation to reject, retrieved from getOperations call or created locally.
    • with - Rejection reason
    • completion - Called when rejection request finishes. Always called on the main thread.
  • getHistory(authentication: PowerAuthAuthentication, completion: @escaping(Result<[WMTOperationHistoryEntry],WMTError>) -> Void) - Retrieves operation history
    • authentication - PowerAuth authentication object for operation signing.
    • completion - Called when rejection request finishes. Always called on the main thread.
  • authorize(qrOperation: WMTQROperation, authentication: PowerAuthAuthentication, completion: @escaping(Result<String, WMTError>) -> Void) - Sign offline (QR) operation.
    • qrOperation - Offline operation that can be retrieved via WMTQROperationParser.parse method.
    • authentication - PowerAuth authentication object for operation signing.
    • completion - Called when authentication finishes. Always called on the main thread.
  • authorize(qrOperation: WMTQROperation, uriId: String, authentication: PowerAuthAuthentication, completion: @escaping(Result<String, WMTError>) -> Void) - Sign offline (QR) operation.
    • qrOperation - Offline operation that can be retrieved via WMTQROperationParser.parse method.
    • uriId - Custom signature URI ID of the operation. Use the URI ID under which the operation was created on the server. Usually something like /confirm/offline/operation.
    • authentication - PowerAuth authentication object for operation signing.
    • completion - Called when authentication finishes. Always called on the main thread.


Operations objects retrieved through the getOperations API method are called “user operations”.

Under this abstract name, you can imagine for example “Login operation”, which is a request for signing in to the online account in a web browser on another device. In general, it can be any operation that can be either approved or rejected by the user.

Visually, the operation should be displayed as an info page with all the attributes (rows) of such an operation, where the user can decide if he wants to approve or reject it.

Definition of the WMTUserOperation:

class WMTUserOperation: WMTOperation {

	/// Unique operation identifier
	public let id: String

	/// System name of the operation.
	/// This property lets you adjust the UI for various operation types.
	/// For example, the "login" operation may display a specialized interface with
	/// an icon or an illustration, instead of an empty list of attributes,
	/// "payment" operation can include a special icon that denotes payments, etc.
	public let name: String

	/// Actual data that will be signed.
	public let data: String

	/// Date and time when the operation was created.
	public let operationCreated: Date

	/// Date and time when the operation will expire.
	public let operationExpires: Date

	/// Data that should be presented to the user.
	public let formData: WMTOperationFormData

	/// Allowed signature types.
	/// This hints if the operation needs a 2nd factor or can be approved simply by
	/// tapping an approve button. If the operation requires 2FA, this value also hints if
	/// the user may use the biometry, or if a password is required.
	public let allowedSignatureType: WMTAllowedOperationSignature
    /// Additional UI data to present
    /// Additional UI data such as Pre-Approval Screen or Post-Approval Screen should be presented.
    public let ui: WMTOperationUIData?   
    /// Proximity Check Data to be passed when OTP is handed to the app
    public var proximityCheck: WMTProximityCheck?
    /// Enum-like reason why the status has changed.
    /// Max 32 characters are expected. Possible values depend on the backend implementation and configuration.
    public let statusReason: String?

Definition of WMTOperationFormData:

public class WMTOperationFormData {

    /// Title of the operation
    public let title: String

    /// Message for the user
    public let message: String
    /// Texts for the result of the operation
    /// This includes messages for different outcomes of the operation such as success, rejection, and failure.
    public let resultTexts: WMTResultTexts?

    /// Other attributes.
    /// Each attribute presents one line in the UI. Attributes are differentiated by `type` property
    /// and specific classes such as WMTOperationAttributeNote or WMTOperationAttributeAmount.
    public let attributes: [WMTOperationAttribute]

Definition of WMTResultTexts:

public class WMTResultTexts: Codable {
    /// Optional message to be displayed when the approval of the operation is successful.
    public let success: String?
    /// Optional message to be displayed when the operation approval fails.
    public let failure: String?
    /// Optional message to be displayed when the operation is rejected.
    public let reject: String?

Attributes types:

  • AMOUNT like “100.00 CZK”
  • KEY_VALUE any key-value pair
  • NOTE just like KEY_VALUE, emphasizing that the value is a note or message
  • HEADING single highlighted text, written in a larger font, used as a section heading
  • PARTY_INFO providing structured information about third-party data (for example known e-shop)
  • AMOUNT_CONVERSION provides data about Money conversion
  • IMAGE image row
  • UNKNOWN fallback option when an unknown attribute type is passed. Such an attribute only contains the label.

Definition of WMTOperationUIData:

open class WMTOperationUIData: Codable {
    /// Confirm and Reject buttons should be flipped both in position and style
    public let flipButtons: Bool?
    /// Block approval when on call (for example when on a phone or Skype call)
    public let blockApprovalOnCall: Bool?
    /// UI for pre-approval operation screen
    public let preApprovalScreen: WMTPreApprovalScreen?
    /// UI for post-approval opration screen
    /// Type of PostApprovalScrren is presented with different classes (Starting with `WMTPostApprovalScreen*`)
    public let postApprovalScreen: WMTPostApprovalScreen?

PreApprovalScreen types:

  • INFO
  • QR_SCAN this type indicates that the WMTProximityCheck must be used

PostApprovalScreen types: WMTPostApprovalScreen* classes commonly contain heading and message and different payload data

  • REVIEW provides an array of operations attributes with data: type, id, label, and note
  • REDIRECT providing text for button, countdown, and redirection URL
  • GENERIC may contain any object

Definition of WMTProximityCheck:

public class WMTProximityCheck: Codable {
    /// The actual Time-based one-time password
    public let totp: String
    /// Type of the Proximity check
    public let type: WMTProximityCheckType
    /// Timestamp when the operation was scanned (QR Code) or delivered to the device (Deeplink)
    public let timestampReceived: Date

WMTProximityCheckType types:

  • qrCode TOTP was scanned from the QR code
  • deeplink TOTP was delivered to the app via Deeplink

Subclassing WMTUserOperation

WMTUserOperation class is open and can be subclassed. This is useful when your backend adds additional properties to operations retrieved via the getOperations API.

Example of such class:

class CustomUserOperation: WMTUserOperation {
    enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
        case playSound
    /// Should we play a sound when the operation is displayed?
    let playSound: Bool
    required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
	    /// Decode the playSound property
        playSound = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self).decode(Bool, forKey: . playSound)
        /// Decode the rest of the properties by the super class
        try super.init(from: decoder)

To set up the Operation Service to receive such objects, you need to create it with a customUserOperationType parameter. After that, all WMTUserOperation objects can be unboxed into your custom objects.

Example of the unboxing:

opsService.getOperations { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let ops):
       // unbox operations into the [CustomUserOperation]
    	let unboxed = { $0 as! CustomUserOperation }
    case .failure(let error):
    	// do something with the error

Creating a Custom Operation

In some specific scenarios, you might need to approve or reject an operation that you received through a different channel than getOperations. In such cases, you can implement the WMTOperation protocol in your custom class and then feed created objects to both authorize and reject methods.

You can use the concrete convenient class WMTLocalOperation, which implements the WMTOperation protocol.

Definition of the WMTOperation:

public protocol WMTOperation {

    /// Operation identifier
    var id: String { get }

    /// Data for signing
    var data: String { get }
    /// Additional information with proximity check data
    var proximityCheck: WMTProximityCheck? { get }

Utilizing the Proximity Check

When creating custom operations, you can now include proximity check data by conforming to the updated WMTOperation protocol. This enables you to enhance the security of your operations by considering proximity information during the authorization process.

To maintain backward compatibility, a public extension has been added to the WMTOperation protocol. If your existing codebase does not require the use of the proximity check feature, the extension ensures seamless integration:

public extension WMTOperation {
    var proximityCheck: WMTProximityCheck? { nil }


Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) using Time-Based One-Time Passwords (TOTP) in the Operations Service is facilitated through the use of WMTProximityCheck. This allows secure approval of operations through QR code scanning or deeplink handling.

  • QR Code Flow:

When the WMTUserOperation contains a WMTPreApprovalScreen.qr, the app should open the camera to scan the QR code before confirming the operation. Use the camera to scan the QR code containing the necessary data payload for the operation.

  • Deeplink Flow:

When the app is launched via a deeplink, preserve the data from the deeplink and extract the relevant data. When operations are loaded compare the operation ID from the deeplink data to the operations within the app to find a match.

  • Assign TOTP and Type to the Operation Once the QR code is scanned or a match from the deeplink is found, create a WMTProximityCheck with:
    • totp: The actual Time-Based One-Time Password.
    • type: Set to WMTProximityCheckType.qrCode or WMTProximityCheckType.deeplink.
    • timestampReceived: The timestamp when the QR code was scanned (by default, it is created as the current timestamp).
  • Authorizing the WMTProximityCheck When authorized, the SDK will by default add timestampSent to the WMTProximityCheck object. This timestamp indicates when the operation was signed.


  • For convenience, a utility class for parsing and extracting data from QR codes and deeplinks used in the PAC (Proximity Anti-fraud Check), is provided.
/// Data which is returned from parsing PAC code
public struct WMTPACData: Decodable {
	/// The ID of the operation associated with the PAC
	public let operationId: String
	/// Time-based one-time password used for Proximity antifraud check
	public let totp: String?
  • two methods are provided:
    • parseDeeplink(url: URL) -> WMTPACData? - URI is expected to be in the format scheme://code=$JWT or scheme://operation?oid=5b753d0d-d59a-49b7-bec4-eae258566dbb&potp=12345678
    • parseQRCode(code: String) -> WMTPACData? - code is to be expected in the same format as deeplink formats or as a plain JWT
    • mentioned JWT should be in the format {"type":"JWT", "alg":"none"}.{"oid":"5b753d0d-d59a-49b7-bec4-eae258566dbb", "potp":"12345678"}
  • Accepted formats:
    • notice that the totp key in JWT and query shall be potp!

Error handling

Every error produced by the Operations Service is of a WMTError type. For more information see detailed error handling documentation.

Last updated on Oct 07, 2024 (09:29) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Mobile Token SDK for iOS